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"It's never too late for a happy childhood."

Our mission

Insecure attachment style and dysfunctional schemas are a global problem.

Attachment disorders are one of the greatest challenges in psychotherapy today. They are a strong predictor of mental illness, social violence and relationship problems. Finding an effective method for change is not easy. We want to change that.

32% of adults suffer from an attachment disorder.

Attachment styles are passed down from generation to generation.

Let's end intergenerational trauma.

When we heal our own pain, we also heal the generation after us. Attachment patterns are passed from generation to generation until one is ready to look at them and heal them.

Our team


Stefan Passvogel

Clinical Psychologist

My name is Stefan Passvogel, I have a Master of Science in Psychology. I teach courses on Performance Excellence and Positive Psychology at recognized German universities, am at the ZIST Academy for Psychotherapy and learned the "Ideal Parents Figure" process directly from developer PhD, Daniel P Brown at Harvard Medical School. I have been active as a  coach and trainer in the private sector and business for over ten years.


  • Former university lecturer at FOM, Macromedia University and International School of Management.

  • Studied psychology at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen and physics at the Ludwigs-Maximilians University in Munich.


  • 68 professional certificates from various areas of human development (therapy, coaching, rhetoric, organizational development)


dr Wilfried Mende

trainers and seminar leaders

My name is Wilfried Mende, I am Dr. in economics and has been active as a trainer at universities and in organizations for over 20 years. Before that I was a management consultant and professor of key qualifications. With my expertise, I supported the implementation of the "Ideal Parents Figure" procedure in an effective training format.

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